"My son made the mud for my toilet after which I leveled the bricks and did the masonry work myself."I want everyone to use a toilet as defecating in open gives birth to many kinds of diseases," she said.Deputy Commissioner Udhampur praised her work and said, "It is time for people to change their traditional mindset. 87-year-old woman from Jammu and Kashmir's village, Rakkhi says she wants to see her village open defecation free.(With inputs from ANI) . I was shocked to know that an 87-year-old woman built the toilet herself without any help. As she comes from a humble background, Rakkhi, who did not have much money to hire labourers to build the toilet, started doing the masonry work all by herself.Rakkhi says that she wants to see her village open defecation free and has been drawn inspiration after a series of awareness campaigns in her village. Udhampur (Jammu and Kashmir): Residents of Jammu and Kashmir’s Badali village UF Toilet Seat Factory in Udhampur have been defecating in open for years.87-year-old Rakki from Jammu and Kashmir's village said she had no idea about ill-effects of defecating in the open.However, an 87-year-old woman from the village, who attended numerous awareness camps about the ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ has taken up the task of building toilets in the village.The 87-year-old has led the way and has become a role model for not just her village, but for the entire country. I salute the spirit of the woman and everyone should learn a lesson from her. Within 7 days my toilet will be completed," she added.Rakkhi, who has been going to the fields to defecate for years, decided to build a toilet in her village."The Deputy Commissioner also said that every possible help will be provided to the lady.While talking to news agency ANI, Rakki said she did not know about the ill-effects of defecating in the open


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TheSouth Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) on Wednesday dedicated the first ever “Pink Toilet in the national capital to women and girls on the occasion of International Girl Child Day in Vikaspuri. She appealed the users to keep the toilet clean for the next user. She pointed that the SDMC earlier made available toilets in hotels and restaurants situated in major markets China UF Toilet Seat for free usage by women and children and all the petrol pumps have also been offering the similar facility as directed by the body. According to Ms Sehrawat, the pink toilet is being opened at a place, which is witnessing substantial footfalls of the women and girls.According to Ms Sehrawat, the pink toilet is being opened at a place, which is witnessing substantial footfalls of the women and girls. “We intend to open more pink toilets in order to provide a convenient safe place in the midst of market flooded with the visitors and customers” said Ms Sehrawat. This will go a long way in instilling a sense of security in women and girls as they will have a clean place of toilet with a sanitary napkin and incinerator facility,” added Ms Sehrawat. SDMC mayor Kamaljeet Sehrawat inaugurated the pink toilet. “The PVR, Vikaspuri is a major center for shopping wherein large number of women and girls are found to be purchasing the articles of their needs. SDMC mayor Kamaljeet Sehrawat inaugurated the pink toilet. A toilet like this was much needed at this place. The toilet has been designed in a systematic manner to provide other facilities like feeding area for the mothers.


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Rekha use to say ‘Nenu chaduvkune ammaini” (I am a college-going educated girl) I need to have self-respect. Rekha had said she felt ashamed of going to the toilet out in the open.They funded the education of two daughters and a son.The villages in other mandals in Nalgonda face a similar situation. She stopped going to college after the Sankranti holidays stating that she is ashamed.”College-going girls of Rekha’s age held similar views."She insisted and tried to explain that lessons she learnt in college stated that open defecation is not good. (Photo: S.”Gundala mandal revenue officer T. Several of my friends in the college have similar China toilet seats factory problem. Sattaih residents of Chakalivada eke out a living on daily wages and monthly labour in Gundala.She used to tell her parents: “Idanna chusi nerchukondi (learn from at least this TV ad)”. The predicament of several other college and schoolgoing young girls and women is no different from that of Rekha as at least every two of four households in Gundala of Nalgonda do not have toilet facility.

Even the place where she bathed was open with torn saris hung to cover one side. Sravanthi, daughter of Bayya Bishkapati studying in second year intermediate, said, “I knew Rekha and the issue on which she ended her life.Rekha immolated herself as her father expressed his inability to construct a toilet due to lack of space and money. On Monday, she argued with her father and as there was no positive response she took her life.”Belonging to BCA (washerman) community Lalamma and her husband K. B.While the nation celebrated Republic Day, Rekha’s family grieved a day after she immolated herself as her father expressed his inability due to lack of space and money to construct a toilet. In fact, 48 per cent of Telangana state households face a similar problem. Rekha, an intermediate student of Jagruthi College in Gundala of Nalgonda district, has been been telling her father for the past seven months. On attaining puberty she was more vocal. Gundala, Nalgonda: "Izzat Pothondhi Nanna (I am feeling ashamed, daddy),” is what 17-year-old K.Depressed because her parents could not build a toilet at home, Rekha committed suicide by immolating herself on Monday."


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